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Should I List My College Dates On My Resume Or Leave It Off?

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

A resume should be the key to new job opportunities, a document that speaks about skills, experience and qualifications of a job seeker. Lacking these should be the only obstacle towards the employment, but is it?

One question has recently been discussed, and that’s "should I list the dates I graduated college on my resume or leave the dates off?". Many job seekers are confused and frequently seek top resume writing professionals’ help in Arizona. To help you out with this dilemma, here is an article discussing why and when you should or shouldn’t leave out your graduation date.

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Age Bias: Facing discrimination

Age discrimination goes both ways, whether you’re a young job seeker or an experienced, older one. Having a 40 or 50-year-old-candidate might make a hiring manager think he/she is not up to date with the latest achievements and technologies in the industry, which could affect the candidate’s job performance. On the other hand, a younger candidate, despite all the skills and qualifications, is seen as less experienced. Both of these would require additional training or support, which means more costs in the moment when they try to cut them down.

Listing Your Graduation Date On Your Resume Can Be A Smart Move

Despite the age discrimination and other reasons to not include dates on a resume, doing this in certain situations can be positive.

If you are a recent college graduate, just joining the workforce, you'll want to let employers know this. Often, employers specifically seek out new college graduates that they can hire, train, and then move up the corporate ladder. The bonus for employers hiring new college graduates is they can often times pay them less but advance in the position quickly.

Reasons Not To List Your Education Dates On Your Resume

If you are an older individual, leaving your education dates off your resume may be the smarter move. If you list you graduated college back in 2005, some employers view that as you are now outdated in your education. If you graduated college back in 1990, employers can do the math and take a guess at your age. You may not fit into their crowd.

Experienced Candidates Costs More Money

Another reason why older candidates face employment difficulties is that their experience costs more than the one of younger job seekers. Younger candidates are still looking for experience, one step more in the process of building their career. It costs less to hire a younger candidate with less experience if he/she has all skills and qualifications need for the job than an older, more experienced candidate.

Focus On Skills, Achievements & Education

Instead of putting too much information, focus on providing information on why you are the best candidate for the job. Tailor your resume so it tells about your qualifications, listing your degrees, certificates and certifications and accomplishments at the top of your resume.

Focus your resume on how you helped your previous employer grow; give examples on how you successfully performed tasks. This way, you draw the hiring manager’s attention to relevant information, what they look for, an experienced and qualified employee.

Everyone Has The Right To Prove Their Worth

The last and most important thing is everyone has the right to prove their worth during the interview regardless of their age. Old or young, if able to perform a job meticulously and professionally, should be given a chance.

When in doubt, talk to the largest and best resume writing professionals in Arizona, DoMyResume.NET.

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