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How Do Employers Use LinkedIn To Hire Job Seekers?

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

For a long time now, it has been a known fact that job seekers use LinkedIn to get hired, to find new jobs and advance in their career. You will find countless advice online, how to set-up your LinkedIn profile, what to post and what not to post, and whose connection requests to accept, and whose connection request to reject.

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What people won’t tell you is that there are professional LinkedIn profile writers in Arizona who can give your LinkedIn profile a professional look. Hiring a professional LinkedIn writing service in Arizona can help you find new contacts and new job offers, get you promoted or improve your career in other ways.

Employers Use Search Engines To Review LinkedIn Profiles

People revamping your LinkedIn profile for maximum impact are usually part of a professional resume writing service. They will know exactly what hiring managers are looking for, and in which manner they use the social media service to find new candidates. First, hiring managers use search engine to locate talented professionals with the skills they are seeking. Both Google’s, and LinkedIn’s internal search engines are used, and candidates need to optimize their profiles to be found easily.

Even though hiring managers might type in names in the search bar – they most likely will not. Instead, Hiring Managers will search for keywords and search phrases they need within their organization. They will also look for people that live relatively close by, making your location also an important factor in the job hunting process.

Professional resume and LinkedIn profile writers understand this, and will tweak your LinkedIn profile so that it pops up whenever the hiring manager searches for specific skills and places. For example, if a Hiring Manager logs onto their LinkedIn account, they might look for a job seeker by typing in “Director of Marketing and Operations located in Phoenix AZ”.

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Do Hiring Managers Look At Your LinkedIn Profile Connections?

Being connected to highly influential professionals in your industry can do you a lot of good. Sometimes, hiring managers will look for contacts for a couple of reasons:

  • They will look for potential candidates among a professional’s contacts list.

  • They will look at the potential candidate’s contacts list to get a general sense of the candidate, their friends and co-workers and decide if these connections and acquaintances can be leveraged for the company’s benefit.

A resume writing service in AZ can help you identify key professionals in your industry which you can connect to. Also, they can help you connect to employment mediators or other HR professionals which can be crucial to finding a new and lucrative job offer.

Do Employers Use LinkedIn To Search New Candidates?

Yes. Do employers use LinkedIn to research on potential candidates? Definitively yes. Should you hire a LinkedIn profile writing service to revamp your profile for you? Absolutely yes. There are lots of places to get it wrong, and if you do, you will be missing out on a huge hiring opportunity through the world’s biggest professional network.

Understandably, such a large network with so many moving parts can be quite intimidating, especially knowing that people are most vulnerable during the job hunting campaign. No one wants to get it wrong and risk losing a great job opportunity because of a poorly organized LinkedIn, but it has happened in the past. By hiring a professional resume writing company that writes LinkedIn profiles, which can also revamp your LinkedIn profile for maximum benefit, you are leaving nothing to chance and laying solid foundations for a step forward in your career.

Hiring Managers Determine Who They Hire Based On LinkedIn Profiles

Ultimately, your LinkedIn profile will play a major role in you being perceived as a professional or not. You need to think of your profile as your window into the professional world, your business card. With a poorly organized profile, you are sending out a message of a poorly organized individual who can’t even get its profile straight, not to mention get the job done right.

A LinkedIn profile has many elements. You need to know how important a professional head shot photo is for LinkedIn profiles. You need to have all your previous job experiences and achievements listed. You need to have all the proper keywords on LinkedIn that can help you get found by hiring managers, either through skills and competencies, through previous job experiences, to simply places where you live. You also need to be connected to important individuals in your industry.

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