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What Makes A Great Resume, Great?

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

Compared to the last decade, far more people are graduating from colleges these days. After graduating, naturally, the vast majority of them want to find a great job with great benefits. This creates a huge competition for job positions almost in any market and industry. And companies, when hiring, go through a thorough examination in order to hire the best candidate out of hundreds of applicants. The company may go through resume after resume just for a single position, and with this crazy competition, you need to be able to stand out in order to even be considered for the position, let alone accepted.

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And this is where the role of an creative, authoritative, enticing, and proper keyword rich engaging resume content comes in. It is no secret that potential employers get to know you through your resume, and the more your resume stands out, the higher your chances become of being hired.

So, what makes a great resume, great? Below are some of the features a great resume should have:

Attracting the attention at first glance:

Great resumes captures attention from the moment a potential employer lays eyes on the resume. Catchy beginning's is especially important. An influential resume demands attention and speaks with authority. You need the employer to want to read your resume till the end. Include in your resume everything necessary, but add something personal too. The first few sentences must give an essence of who you are, not only as a professional, but also as a person.

Emphasizing your main abilities:

An authoritative and influential resume does not ramble on and on. It includes the most important points, direct, and doesn’t beat around the bush. You may have a lot of achievements, but that does not mean all of them should be included. Be short and precise; do not tell a life story. The main focus of your resume should be on your skills, but do not include everything you have ever been good at.

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The careful choice of syntax and vocabulary:

A great resume is usually written by a skilled content resume writing professional; someone that has been writing for many years and understands powerful and engaging keywords. In a resume, you should use professional language, but remember - you are writing a resume, not a new constitution.

Avoid using too many unnecessary words: the employer will feel that you are trying to make up for lack of something by trying to impress them by a fancy vocabulary. Good grammar is a must; check your resume multiple times to make sure no mistakes have been made! Another important aspect, sometimes neglected, is good sentence structure - not all sentences should be long or short: combination of both, variety is the key.

Avoid boasting, demonstrate your team leadership skills with sincerity:

Great resumes displays worth without being pretentious. Following on from the very complicated vocabulary, avoid emphasizing how great you are (even subtly). Try to be as honest as possible about your experience, how you led teams to success with your capable leadership skills, metrics and achievements, at the same time, make sure to think carefully and include all the important qualities and experience that will help you to get the current job.

Prove your work efficiency:

Great resumes focus on what you can do instead of everything you have done before. Include as much experience as necessary, skipping the unimportant parts. Skills always should be put first. Hiring managers are most likely to make up their minds almost instantly. Try to use the following structure when writing your resume:

  • Career Summary

  • Skills

  • Experience

  • Education

Note: Resumes which are short, concise and follow this structure usually display success.

Is My Resume Good or Great?

You may be given some advice on how to write a great resume from different people, but it is also intuitive to some degree. Great resumes differ from good resumes because they tend to follow the guidelines above.

Those guidelines may help you in the process of presenting the best of yourself on your resume, but that does not guarantee that you will get the job – your resume is only the first step, although a very important one. You must not only possess the skills of presenting yourself well on paper - when you are invited to interview, it must correspond to your resume. And remember: don’t be disheartened if you do not get the job - the number of opportunities is almost endless!

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