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What Is The Best Time Of Day To Submit Resume To A Job Posting?

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

A wise man once said, “if you don’t have a job, your job is to go look for a job”. Well, something along those lines anyway. The point is, if you’re not working, you should be looking for a job at least a couple of hours a day – approximately the same time you’d spend working somewhere.

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But it’s not just about time, it’s also about the approach, the mindset. You’d approach your daily work with great care and professionalism. That’s the same approach you should have when applying for a job.

Finding a new workplace is no easy task, but the process can be broken down into a couple of simple steps: identifying the type of work you’d like to do, identifying potential employers, building your resume and your cover letter, submitting the resume to a job posting, passing the phone interview, and finally, passing the main face-to-face interview.

In this article, we’ll cover the ‘applying’ part, assuming you already know what you want to do, and have identified companies that do that type of work. In this article, we’ll talk about what the best time of day is to submit your resume to job postings, and which ones you should prioritize.

Choosing the best time of day

This might come as a shock to you, but if you’re looking for a new job, you’ll spend a lot of small hours in front of the computer screen. The best times to submit your resume to a job posting is from Monday through Friday, between 04:00 AM and 07:00 AM. Yes, that early in the morning.

Similar to why you shouldn’t add any pictures to your resume, the timing is also a technical thing. When a company chooses to hire somebody, the hiring manager will sort through the job applicants by who applied for the job first, and they will upload the information about the available position to job seeking sites such as or

That information usually goes live in that particular time of day, and to increase your chances of landing that dream job of yours, you need to be first in line to apply. Remember, the longer you wait, the slimmer are your chances of getting invited to the interview because remember, a hiring manager will look at who submitted their powerful resume first!

Which job postings should you apply to first?

In all honesty, you should probably avoid those job openings that have been available for two weeks or more. The longer a job opening has been posted on a site, the lower the chances are for you to get invited to an interview. Your best bet is going for those job postings that have been online for a day, two at most.

What you’d want to do is go to job sites, like, and sort the job listings by date, so that the newest job openings come on top. Find those which have been posted in the last 24 hours, and apply to those first. Then work your way backwards, to 72 hours. In case you have extra time, you can then apply to all the other job openings, but you should definitely prioritize the newest, freshest of the lot.

First come – first served

Job hunting is never easy, but with the right approach you can increase your chances of landing that dream job. Be professional in every step of the way, from have an outstanding and astonishing professionally written resume, to submitting to job postings, to interviews. If you want to leverage every tiny advantage you can, choosing the right time of day to apply for jobs, and choosing the right jobs to apply to can mean all the difference in the world. Remember, the first to come is also the first to be served, and when it comes to being in line for a new job, you definitely want to be first to be served.

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