There is so much confusion around what is needed on a resume. Should it be a word doc or a pdf? One page or two pages? Should it have two columns or not? The reality is that most of those things don't matter. Your resume needs to convey your value to the employer for the role you're applying to.
Here are 3 things that your resume actually needs!
Contact information - This includes your Full name, phone number, email address, and City, & State. If you have a unique name, then you may consider writing out your name phonetically in parenthesis, for example; my name is Tejal and I would write out (Tay-gel). This is to help the reader know how to pronounce your name when they call you.
Work Experience and Achievements - This is your value proposition. Why should the employer call you for an interview? Think about what you did and why it mattered? You need to write down your role, the task, and the accomplishment. Each job title should have 5-7 bullets.
Education - This includes certifications and licenses. If you do have a formal degree, list that here! However, you don't want to list your high school diploma or GED. If you have a few years of experience post college, don't list your GPA or year of graduation.
Your resume doesn't need additional fluff! It just needs the essential.
Need an updated resume? Reach out to us!