2025 is another year of layoffs and more qualified people than jobs. As a jobseeker, you need to stand out in all types of market, however right now it is crucial that you optimize your resume for the job.
Your resume is a marketing document and it needs to tell the Recruiter and Hiring Manager how you are qualified for the job. It needs the right keywords for the reader to make the connection between the job and your qualifications.
First step is having a "master" resume. A master resume is a document that has all your experience and education. It is what I like to call, your dumpsite. Every job duty that you've ever performed, every certification, every accomplishment goes on here.
Second step is to tailor your resume. Now, you don't need to tailor your resume to each and every job. If you are applying to jobs that you are qualified for, the likelihood is that you don't need to tweak it with every application. However, I do recommend reading through your resume and the job description to match with job duties and keywords. No, we are not talking about "ATS beating," we are talking about making this connection for the human reader.
Third and the most important step is to list your accomplishments. All the formatting and prettifying does nothing if you aren't telling the reader what you bring to the table. Employers care about ONE thing; what are you going to do for them. You need to tell them what you have achieved so they can interpret what they can expect from you as an employee.
What questions do you have about the resume and job search? Let us know in the comments!
