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Tailoring your resume to each job!

The job search is hard, and it's harder now than it has been in a while. While there is no such thing as an absolutely must do in the job search, there are things that yield better results in the search than others.

One of those is tailoring your resume to each job that you apply to. Tailoring your resume should take about 5 minutes and you will tailor the Master Resume.

Now you can do this manually, and scan your resume against the job description to ensure that your resume has all the keywords that the job description is looking for, or you can use ChatGPT.

Here is a prompt you can use in ChatGPT to help you identify the keywords that you might be missing:

Analyze my resume to this job description and then create a list of bullet points with the missing keywords that I should add to my resume.

From here you'll copy and paste your entire resume, and the job description you found and hit Enter.

Boom! Now you have a list of bullet points you need to add.

Do you want a list of ChatGPT prompts that can help you further your job search? Let us know in the comments below.

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