The current job market is incredibly tough. You are competing with a lot of qualified applicants. Some of them might be overqualified for the roles that they are applying to in an a competitive job market. You need to ensure that your resume is telling the right story which means it needs to be tailored for every job that you apply for
Here are two reasons why you need to tailor your résumé to each job:
Increases Relevance: by tailoring your résumé to each job you are showing how you are the right fit for this specific role. Having the right skills to perform, the job duties is 1/2 of the equation. The other half of the equation is showing those skills in a relevant manner on your résumé.
Boosts ATS Compatibility: almost every company out there uses something called an applicant tracking system or ATS for short. Many of these ATS have the capability to scan your résumé and rank it according to whether you have relevant keywords on your résumé now if you don't have the relevant keywords that does not mean that the ATS will automatically reject you, however, having the relevant keywords will increase your chances of getting a callback from a recruiter.
Tailoring your résumé to the job should not take you more than five minutes though, if it takes you more than five minutes, then you are applying to jobs that are not relevant to your skill set ensure that you're applying to the right job duties and not just the right job titles.