Resume writing requirements are drastically changing starting 2022! Since most companies are now relying on software systems to scan resumes, it is highly advisable to hire a top resume writing service such as
A resume can only be considered a professional resume if it meets international resume writing standards. A perfect resume is the combination of various essential resume fundamentals including the quality of the resume content and its formatting. The resume standards are dynamic and can vary from one industry to another. They can be influenced by the local and international HR standards as well.
Use A Proper ATS Optimized Resume Format
Many recruiters have a software system called Applicant Tracking Software. ATS automatically scans uploaded resumes and analyzes your resume for the proper keywords. If you are not using the correct format for your resume, the ATS systems do not understand how to process your resume and usually reject it.
Due to their dynamic nature, resume standards keep changing over the period. Some become outdated with time while some get added to the list as newly established standards, providing help in achieving resume objectives associated with the appearance and its content quality. This article talks about resume standards specific to its format that are in trend and desired by the recruiters in 2022 and beyond.
Font Types And Size That You Should Use In Your Resume
The mandatory procedure involved in the process of enhancing the look of any resume is to choose a standard font type and font size in a resume document. As a professional resume writer, you must ensure that the fonts to be used in a resume document are clear and easily understandable. Some commonly used fonts include; Arial, Calibri, and Times New Roman. Keep the same font type throughout the document. Also, remain consistent in the font size for headings, sub-headings, and the body.
Proper Page Margins In A Resume
Page margins of the resume document are also a key factor to professionalize its look. It is mandatory to check that all four sides have even margins so that the resume content looks aligned and well-organized. Ideally, the page margins have to be 1-inch from each side but if you need some space, you can reduce the page margins. Senior resume writers at renowned professional resume services recommend that page margins should not be less than half-inch.
Correct Line Spacing In A Resume
A resume document with inconsistent line spacing looks disorganized and unprofessional. That’s why it is significant to follow the uniform line spacing patterns throughout the resume document. A single enter with line spacing of 1.15 is enough between the lines in the same resume section. However, between the sections, double enter with the same 1.15 line spacing is good.
Big Heading For Each Resume Section
Organizing a resume into sections is the finest method to provide a professional look to your resume. But just dividing the content may not serve the purpose until they do not have a heading above them that is bigger than the normal content size. All the resume sections are required to have slightly bigger headings that visibly distinguish and organize the resume content.
Mind The Gap Between Resume Section
Each resume section has a different sort of information to provide, so essentially there should be a visible gap between the sections to convincingly communicate the exclusivity of the information provided in the resume sections. Along with that, the uniform gap among the sections compliments the professional resume look as well.
The Career Summary Should Be At The Top Of Your Resume
The Career Summary should be the first section of your resume document, after the personal information in the header. The goal of the profile summary section is to quickly provide an idea to the recruiter about your working profile, skills, and qualifications. Therefore, it is wise to keep it at the top so that recruiter can immediately gather the key pointers to create a match between your profile and job description.
Use keywords in your Career Summary that match up with similar keywords found in the online job positing. Make sure you establish your skills with the skills the potential hiring manager is looking for.
An Exclusive Skills Section
You may have already provided your skills in various sections still it is required to create an exclusive section only for your hard skills and acquired technical skills. Ideally, this section must come after the profile summary. If not, try to keep it in the upper part of the document rather than keeping it in the middle or last.
Avoid Adding Pictures, Photos, or Images In Your Resume
The candidate’s picture used to be an essential element of a resume in the past, but over time this resume standard has become obsolete. Now candidates are not required to add a picture to their resume until specifically asked by the recruiter. Some jobs that are related to media (acting, modeling) or administration (receptionist) still follow the old approach, but most of the professional resume services follow the new resume standard.
The new Applicant Tracking Software systems cannot read photo/pictures/images and in fact, can reject your resume altogether because it does not understand your resume.
Never Include Your Full Address In Your Resume
An unnecessarily detailed address is also a type of irrelevant information that can undermine vital information present in a resume document. It is good to let the recruiter know about your city and the area, but further details are of no use to anyone.
Limit The Resume Length To Two Pages
The fine art in resume writing services is to deliver an impactful message in a precise method. The resumes that are limited in size but have relevant information always have an edge over the wordy and lengthy resume document full of irrelevant information. Limit your resumes to a maximum length of two pages to enable the resume reviewer to go through your profile easily.
The format-related resume standards assist you in determining how a professional resume should look like. So rather than deciding about the look of a professional resume based on your personal visual appeal, examine it through these resume standards. The resume writers who remain confused about the look of a professional resume must ensure that their designed resumes comply with these resume standards. The look of a resume is a significant element but not the only measure to evaluate its effectiveness.